Wednesday 8 January 2014


Batik is the process in which the some parts of the cloth are dyed and others are not by the use of wax. Some parts of the fabric are covered with wax and the fabric is allowed to dye, this prevents the part of fabric covered with wax to be exposed to the dye and remain undyed. The remaining part of the fabric, which is exposed to the dye, gets the color of the dye, giving a very nice effect. Batik was used for centuries in the Indonesian Islands of Java and in many parts of India. Batik is practiced even today and has a great demand.

How to Batik                 

Aim :- To study Batik

Material: Fabric, washing soda ,water, Urea, Procion MX dye, non-iodized salt. Paraffin and bee’s wax, facemask , hand gloves and a brush, big embroidery ring.
Method:- Pre wash the fabric at least a day in advance to remove all the impurities. Attach the fabric on the embroidery ring. Take paraffin wax and  bees wax in a vessel and melt it. Draw the required pattern on the fabric. When the wax melts apply the wax to both  the sides of the pattern where you want lighter color. Let the wax dry. Crumple the fabric if you want a lot of veining. Dissolve around 15 ml of urea in 250 ml of water. Then put about 4 teaspoons Procion MX Fiber Reactive Dye  in this solution. But the proportion may vary upon dark or light shade required. Then pre soak the fabric  in washing soda and soak it in Procion MX dye solution  . Wash the excess dye after about 4 hours.
For removing wax place the fabric between two sheets of unprinted paper to prevent ink transfer and iron. Boiling  the fabric in hot water can also work

Result :- This is how batik is done 

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