Wednesday 8 January 2014

Greek Culture

Greek people were very well aware of fashion.  There costumes were classified as Doric and the Ionic. Doric were at the time of the Archaic period and Ionic were adopted later.
 At the time of the greek there were three major types of costumes
Male and female dresses were almost similar both wore Himations and chitons.
Himation:- This was the garment worn by the greeks in the early fifth century. It was made up of rectangle of woven wool.. at the start of the archaic period Himation was comparatively small and worn over shoulder as cloak, but as the time passed its size increased. It was about 10- 12 feet long and 5 feet  in width. It was at first worn as a outdoor wear  but with the invention of lighter materials they became a regular wear.

Peplos was other garment worn by greeks women. It was also a rectangle of woven wool about 3 meters wide and length equal to the height of the wearer . the fabric was wrapped round  the wearer with the excess material folded over the top.. It was then pinned on both shoulders and the excess material was allowed to fall free. The arms were left  bare. The peplos was held at the waist with the girdle.


Doric chiton:- the Doric chiton was evolved from peplos. The Doric chiton was worn somewhat in the same manner as the peplos. It was folded to form overlap of  materiall on the bodice and the cloth was secured at the shoulder by the pins It consisted of two piece of rectangular cloth and was larger in dimensions as compared to peplos. It was of full length till the feet.

Ionic chiton:- It was knee length and a advance version of Doric chiton. It was sometimes pinned only on the left shoulder leaving the right shoulder and arm free. A girdle was tied at the waiste which lifted the chiton till the mid thigh level. 

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