Wednesday 8 January 2014

Fashion forcasting

Fashion forcasting

Fashion forecasting consists of predicting the long range fashion trends. As a fashion forecaster you need to have a perfect knowledge of fashion in the past, current trends and awareness of the people about fashion. The fashion forecaster should always keep his eyes open. Fashion forecaster should read magazines, watch t.v., read newspapers , travel the world, attend fashion shows, interview consumers,and consume themselves with the current events happening all over the world. A fashion forecaster should do whatever they possibly can to catch that trend before anyone else does.
Fashion forecasting analysis is based on
Experience: - The fashion forecaster should be very well experienced.  He should  be able to note down minute fashion changes around him before anyone else.
Past trends:- He should have a perfect knowledge about trends in the past. How they changed into present trends. Mentality of the people in the past.  He should know that if  in the past this fashion changed in a certain way then how it will be in the future
Present trends:- He should be aware of whats in and whats out.. He should note  what made a certain fashion evolve and  in what form it will be tomorrow. 
Awareness of the people:- A good fashion forecaster should have a good knowledge about  the phycology  of the people. He should  knowwhat exactly a customer wants, or what is in his mind. He should know that  if he predicts a certain fashion will that be accepted by  the target customers he is looking at.
Society:- Both for fashion designer and a fashion forecaster it is very important to  study the society they are targeting. Each society has their own trends.  Fashion is different for each society.
 E.g A  lady living in a low class slum locality cannot wear a micro mini and go in her locality as the mentality of the people around will not  be able to accept this and  their dirty stares will feel the lady ashamed. But in a high society mico mini is a status symbol  and the lady wearing it will definetly feel proud by the compliments she will get.
 Economical changes:- economical  status is one of the very important factors that  affects fashion. So the fashion forecaster should keep in mind the  economy  of the people  whom he is targeting.
Movies:- Cinema plays a vital role in fashion. People try to  adopt fashion  what is in the movie. So a fashion forecaster should watch all the movies released and try to predict fashion accordingly
Celebrity fashion: people admire celebrities. And try to behave like them. They watch their photographs in newspapers magazines or on television and try to copy what they are wearing.
Market study:- people  mostly rome in the market see different costumesand try to adopt them an one or other manner. Fashion forecaster must keep his eyes open when he is in fashion exhibition or a boutique and note down the minute thing that may affect tomorrows fashion.
So a fashion forecaster should keep in mind all the above mentioned things and work accordingly

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