Wednesday 8 January 2014

Fabric History


Flax is considered to be the oldest of all the natural textile fibres manufactured.It was invented more than 5000 B.C.. There are evidence that it was used as a burial shrouds for Egyptian pharaoh

            Cotton was invented atleast 4000 BC. There are evidences that people in Mohenjodaro and Harappa civilization used to use cotton clothing. It was also worn by Egyptian 2500 BC . The processing of cotton was revolutionized by Eli Whitney’s  invention of cotton  gin  in 1793. In the year1884 there  was significant improvement in cotton  fabric due to development of power loom.

            Wool  was used by people in Late Stone Age in 3000 BC. There are around 40 different types of sheeps  which produce approximately 200 types of wool of varying  grades.

Silk is believed to be  discovered by Chinese princess in 2500 BC. Silk is manufactured by continous filaments  derived from  the cocoon of silkworm.. Silk culture began about 1725 BC. Sponsored  by the wife  of Chinas Emperor.Secrets of cultivation and silk fabric manufacturing were closely guarded by Chinese for about 3000years. Today Japan is the major producer and exporter of silk.

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