Wednesday 8 January 2014



Tie- dyeing is a process in which the cloth is dyed after it is tied. Due to tying the part which is tied does not get exposure to the dye and so does not absorb the dye leaving the tied portion uncolored or very lightly colored. This process is called as tie- dye.
This art of tie-dyeing was practiced in India and Japan for thousands of year. In India this art was hereditary and  transformed from one generation to another . nowadays tie-dye is also done by machines.
Aim To do Tie Dyeing
Materials required :- Fabric, washing soda ,water, Urea, Procion MX dye, non-iodized salt. face mask , hand gloves and rubber bands or thread for tying.
Method:- Pre-wash the fabric to remove invisible finishes that can prevent the dye from getting to the fabric.
There are  many ways of tying a fabric. Each way will create a new pattern. Use rubber band or strings to tie the fabrics.
Some simple ways of tying are:-
1.                  fold the fabric in vertical pleats and tie . This will create horizontal stripes
2.                  fold the fabric in horizontal pleats and tie . This will create vertical stripes
3.                  Folding the fabric in Diagonal pleats and tying also gives a good effect.
4.                  Stitch a loose basting stitch  in any shape, pull the threads tight and tie.
5.                  We you want to create concentric circles, grab the cloth where you want the centers  to be and pull until you make more or less a long tube of the garment and tie at regular intervals.
6.                  Crumple the fabric evenly and tie to give a scrunch like effect.
7.                  Take a thick string , Wrap the cloth around it. Push the cloth from both the sides inwards and tie  a knot.
8.                  Put a coin in the center of the cloth and tie around the cloth.
9.                  Take small grains or sand and tie the cloth by placing the particles in the center. This way of tying is also called as bandhani.
There are two ways  ( cold water dyeing and Hot water dyeing ) Dissolve around 15 ml of urea in 250 ml of water. Then put about 4 teaspoons Procion MX Fiber Reactive Dye  in this solution. But the proportion may vary upon dark or light shade required. Then pre soak the tied fabric  in washing soda and soak it in Procion MX dye solution  . Wash the excess dye after about 4 hours. Open the tied strings and dry it..
Hot water dyeing:- Then put the dye in the water stir it till it dissolves then add salt to the solution and place the container on heater. When the solution starts boiling put the tied fabric to be dyed in the solution and stir continuously . After around half an hour remove the cloth, open the knots and hang it to dry. After little drying put it into the bucket  containing water and a little white vinegar. This fixes the dye. This process can be practiced for home dyeing.
Result:- This is how Tie-dyeing is done.

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