Wednesday 8 January 2014

More Ideas for dyeing

More Ideas for dyeing

 Sprinkle Dyeing

It is a process of dyeing a fabric in many tiny dots

Aim :- To study sprinkle dyeing

Material: Fabric, washing soda ,water, saltshaker, Procion MX dye, and non-iodized salt.
Method:- Pre soak the fabric  in washing soda,  wrung it out. Then lay the fabric flat on the table. Mix non-iodized salt with Procion MX dye and fill it in a saltshaker.
Then sprinkle the dye on the cloth, which gives a effect of many tiny dots of very intense colors.
Result :- This gives a nice sprinkle dyed fabric.

Drip Dyeing

Aim :- To study Drip dyeing

Material: Fabric, washing soda ,water, squirt bottle, Procion MX dye, non-iodized salt.
Method:- Pre soak the fabric  in washing soda,  wrung it out. Then lay the fabric flat on the table. Mix non-iodized salt with Procion MX dye and fill it in a squirt bottle. Then just squirt or drip the dye on the fabric.
Result :- This is how drip dyeing is carried out.

Dye Painting

Closely related to Drip Dyeing is Dye Painting. Use a thickener such as sodium alginate (derived from seaweed) to turn the dye into a material like paint, but without the unpleasant feel that paint typically imparts to fabric.

Spray Dyeing

Aim :- To study spray dyeing

Material: Fabric, washing soda ,water, spray bottle, Procion MX dye, and non-iodized salt.
Method:- Pre soak the fabric  in washing soda,  wrung it out. Then lay the fabric flat on the table. Mix non-iodized salt with Procion MX dye and fill it in a spray bottle.
First wrinkle or pleat the material, then spray the dye on the cloth, which gives a very nice spray effect. Spraying with more than one color gives a better effect. Stencil can also be used.
Result :- This gives a nice sprinkle dyed fabric.

Discharge Dyeing

Aim :- To study Discharge dyeing

Material: Fabric, washing soda ,water, beach, white vinegar, dye for dyeing.
Method:- Pre soak the fabric  in washing soda,  wrung it out. Then lay the fabric flat on the table. Mark the area to be bleached. Mix the bleach with water and apply to both the side of the marked area. Wash the fabric in vinegar water as soon as the color gets light enough, or else risk having the fabric fall apart. Vinegar neutralizes the bleach and stops the reaction.  Then wash the fabric with normal water, dry it and again dye it with any dyeing method
Result :- This is how discharge dyeing is done

Fabric Paints

Aim :- To study fabric painting

Material: Fabric, fabric colors ,medium, brush, palette  .
Method:- Pre soak the fabric  in washing soda,  wrung it out. Then lay the fabric flat on the table. Draw the design on the fabric. Take the fabric color in a palette and add required amount of medium to it. Then apply the color to the fabric with the help of brush.
Result :- This is how fabric painting is done.


Printing with Sponges

Aim :- To study fabric painting

Material: Fabric, fabric colors , medium, sponge , palette etc .
Method:- Pre soak the fabric  in washing soda,  wrung it out. Then lay the fabric flat on the table. Take the fabric color in a palette and add required amount of medium to it. Wet the sponge and wring it out before dipping it into paint. Transfer the color to the fabric with the help of sponge. The holey texture of the sponge overwhelms the design.

Result :- This is how printing is done with the help of sponge


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