Wednesday 8 January 2014

Care of clothing:

Care of clothing:

Storing:- Always clean or launder garments before storing. Care  should   be taken that garments do not change color or become wrinkled when stored

1.      Clothes should be always hanged on hanger rather than keeping them anywhere else. This avoids wrinkling of fabrics.
2.      when stored proper care should be taken that clothes are not exposed to dust, direct sunlight and moisture
3.      clothes should be frequently cleaned. Buttons snaps etc should be reinforced from time to time
4.      Always keep limited things in the pocket. If pockets are too filled then the shape of the garment gets disturbed. This decreases the life of the pocket
5.      If clothes are not kept in the cupboard then they should be kept in plastic wardrobes ( plastic bags meant for hanging clothes )
6.     Never put wet clothes in the cupboard. Let them dry properly, then place them in cupboard. Even if used clothed are to be kept in cupboard the sweat should dry completely.
7.     Daintily colored  garments  may fade unless stored in the dark, and white garments if covered  with dark  blue or black tissue paper are less likely to turn yellow. Metallic clothes may be covered with dark tissue paper to prevent them from tarnishing

To remove dust. :-

  1. Brush woolen material with a whiskbroom and for woolens that have a nap use a dampened clothes brush. Brush all pile fabrics with the nap, using a silk pad or soft brush on velvets
  2.  For silk garments use a velvet pad or soft brush. Shake garment well after brushing to remove brush.
  3. 3.Brushing cotton and linen clothing rubs the dust or dust into the fiber therefore washing is the best procedure.

Washable materials :-

 Cotton linen washable silk and rayon garments should be washed in suds of a mild white soap. And luke warm water
Squeeze suds through the garments. Change the water if necessary. Rinse several times I luke warm water. But if the color is apt to run use cold water. Squeeze water from the garment, do not wring. For white cottons and linen, a little bluing may be added to the last rinsing water this will prevent garment from turning yellow. After squeezing water from the garment roll in a towel
If color fast ,garment may remain in the towel until ready for ironing. For colors that may run remove garment from towel immediately and shake until almost dry.
                                                          Before washing garments that have pleats make white basting stitches at lower part of each crease. This is to be used as a guide for pressing the pleats after garment is washed

Non-washable material:- To clean garments made of non-washable material use cleaning fluid that is non-inflammable and work near an open window. Dip garment into a basin containing a sufficient amount of fluid to cover. Raise the garment up and down.( Do not rub) , Then rinse in another basin containing another fluid.
After rinsing , raise the garment and allow the fluid to drip into the basin. Do not squeeze the garment  to avoid wrinkling the material. Place  on a hanger and let it air for at least a day before pressing.
                                                       Dry Cleaning
Read the yarn label. Many manufactures recommend dry cleaning to protect them when the garment or yarn really can be washed. The easiest way to tell for sure if a garment can be laundered is to make a swatch and test it. When color-fastness is a questionable issue, the swatch fails the washing test, or if a garment is badly soiled, dry cleaning is the best solution. Find a dry cleaner whose plant and work is done on the premises. Ask how often they change the chemicals and filters and take your garments in on the day they change the chemicals.
Stain removing:-  Remove the stain on the cloth as soon as possible, because ones the stain gets older and dries up its harder to remove it. While removing the stain the type of fabric should be always kept in mind. The stains on cotton can be removed with water but the stain  on wool requires petrol.  Never apply stain remover to a fabric  for a longer duration as this may weaken the fabric.

Ink stain:-
  1. If the ink is wet take some milk or curd or even lime juice in a vessel  and dip the stained cloth in it for a while. Then wash  the cloth .
  2. If the ink stain is dry make it wet with the help of  limejuice and salt and dry it in sunlight. Then wash the fabric.

Oil stain:-
  1. Rub turpentine on the stain, then wash with soap and water.

Sweat stain:-
1.      Wash the stained fabric with soap and water and dry in sunlight
2.      If the stain is deep  then wash with mixture of ammonia and water.

Blood Stain:-
  1. wash the fabric with the help of warm water and ammonia

Tea stain:-
  1. If the stain is dry apply borax to the stain , wash with  hot water.
  2. If the stain is wet just wash with cold water

Coffee stain:-
  1. Wash with hot water.
  2. Wash the stain with potassium permagnet solution and warm water.

Brandy stain:-
  1. Rub salt to stain and pour boiling water to the stain.

Grease spots:-
  1. To remove grease spots in skills, sprinkle some  earth on the grease spot. After a while brush it off. To remove other spots use  a cleaning fluid following the directions  given with  the cleaner.


1. Iron on right side of the material.
  1. Iron should be too hot.
  2. Wet the cloth a little with the help of a spunch  before ironing, for better effect.
    1. Don’t make the iron too hot.
    2. Avoid keeping the iron at a single place. Always keep the iron moving.
    3. Iron on wrong side of the fabric.
  1. Iron on wrong side of  the fabric.
  2. If iron has to be done on the  right side of the fabric, place a wet cloth in between the iron and the right side of the fabric.
  3. Iron has to be more hot than that required for silk.
Cloth with any kind of work
  1. Use a light iron
  2. Don’t heat the iron too much.
  3. Place a single or double layer of Turkish towel on the work and then iron or the work will get spoiled.
  4. Avoid use of water.
Velvets, Velveteens etc :-Velvet often becomes, finger marked during the construction of garment, Therefore it should be steamed to raise  the pile thus removing the marks. This also adds luster to the material.
            A practical method of steaming is to stand a hot iron, end up and cover with a damp press cloth. Pass the wrong side of the material lightly over the steaming press cloth, which will raise the nap.

Metallic cloth:- This material should be pressed very little and only with a warm iron. Do not dampen the press cloth as this may cause material to tarnish.

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