Wednesday 8 January 2014

Fashion cycle

Fashion cycle

FASHION CYCLE :-- No fashion is permanent. Every fashion has its birth and death. Fashion is like a human being, it is born, it matures, it gets older and slowly and steadily it dies.

 Fashion cycle consists of four parts

  • Introduction
  • Rise
  •  Decline
  • Death

Introduction: -A fashion is introduced by a designer or a brand (production house). At this stage the creator of the fashion is not at all sure about the acceptance of that fashion, so only limited amount of garments are produced at this stage. A good fashion forecaster can predict about the acceptance or the rejection of this fashion. But the ultimate results  lie in the hands of the public (customers who accept the fashion). At this stage the fashion is highly priced so that even if it fails the cost of pieces rejected will be  recovered from number  of pieces sold. Advertisements like fashion shows, media advertisements are very necessary at this stage as this gives a boost to the sale.

Rise :-It is the second stage of fashion cycle. If the fashion is accepted in the market its demand increases. So this stage is the rise of fashion. Due to the increase in the garments are produced in a large scale and with lesser expensive fabric to make it affordable to larger section of market. At this stage other designers and brands also copy this fashion and so this fashion is seen almost everywhere.

Decline :- this is the third stage of fashion cycle. After the rise of fashion each and every person starts wearing it. The fashion becomes very common and so looses its charm. Therefore its demand  decreases this stage is called decline. Due to decrease in demand the production is slowed down.. The garments at this stage are sold at a very lower rate.

Death: - This is the last stage of fashion cycle when people have completely lost interest in a particular fashion. There is a strong rejection of fashion and cannot be sold at any price. So its production is completely stopped.  This stage is called death of a particular fashion.

What is Haute Couture?

Haute Couture is a French phrase for high fashion. Couture means dressmaking, sewing, or needlework and haute means elegant or high, so the two combined imply excellent artistry with the fashioning of garments. The purchase of an haute couture model garment is at the top level of customized fashion design and clothing construction made by a couture design house. A model haute couture garment is made specifically for the wearer's measurements and body stance. The made to measure exclusive clothes are virtually made by hand, carefully interlined, stay taped and fitted to perfection for each client. 
HIGH FASHION :- As the name suggests the fashion accepted by high-class people is called as high fashion. It is meant only for rich class and so is highly priced. Due to its high price it cannot me accepted by large number of people and so it maintains its charm. These designs are always exclusive and up to date. This fashion is introduced in a very short quantity and best of material

MASS FASHION :- Once a fashion is in its rising stage each and everyone tries to wear it.  So it can be seen each and every where. This fashion is called as mass fashion as it is accepted by mass( huge group ) of people. At this stage  most of the production houses try manufacturing this fashion in a less expensive material in order to make it affordable to the masses.

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